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Oldest Authenticated
Male Supercentenarians

picture of Christian Mortensen, oldest authenticated male supercentenarian

  1. 115 years, 252 days : Christian Mortensen: August 16, 1882 - April 25, 1998

  2. 115 years, 156 days : Emiliano Mercado Del Toro: August 21, 1891 January 24, 2007

  3. 114 years, 222 days : Mathew Beard: July 9, 1870 - February 16, 1985

  4. 114 years, 189 days : Yukichi Chuganji: March 23, 1889 - September 28, 2003

  5. 114 years, 81 days : Joan Riudavets: December 15, 1889 - March 5, 2004

  6. 113 years, 354 days : Fred Harold Hale: December 1, 1890 - November 19, 2004

  7. 113 years, 275 days : Johnson Parks: October 15, 1884 - July 17, 1998

  8. 113 years, 250 days : John Ingram McMorran: June 19, 1889 - February 24, 2003

  9. 113 years, 138 days : Frederick L. Frazier: January 27, 1880 - June 14, 1993

  10. 113 years, 48 days : Walter C. Richardson: November 7, 1885 - December 25, 1998

Oldest Supercentenarians


and further reading

Living Longer
The Indy Gene
The Centenarian
Immortal Youth?
Longevity Meme
World Health Net
CR Support Group
Longevity Report
Longevity Science
Immmortality, Inc
Cryonics Societies
The Vitae Institute
World's Oldest People
Antiaging Information
Aging Research Center
Live Long: The Oldest Old
The Immortalists (movie)
Calorie Restriction Society
The Methuselah Foundation
Sirtris Pharmaceuticals, Inc
Gerontology Research Group
The Life Extension Foundation
Forever Young (Youth Group)
Alcor Life Extension Foundation
Nonagenarians and Centenarians
World Transhumanist Association
Google Directory Antiaging Groups
Living to 100 Healthspan Calculator
Yahoo Groups: Worlds Oldest People
Supercentenarian Research Foundation
American Federation for Aging Research
Jeanne Calment : the oldest person who ever lived?
BLTC Research
The Good Drug Guide
The Reproductive Revolution

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